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Business conditions slump to gfc lows.

For almost every aspect of your life these days, you'll feel that the economic situation is at a standstill. In fact, economic growth may be falling short of our highest expectations even as we enjoy better employment and income.

But the question that must be asked now isn't whether your situation will improve but rather how quickly and how sharply. Is you now in a position to take advantage of the current economic conditions and enjoy better living and 바카라 working conditions?

Here's how many jobs there are in the United States.

The U.S. government has used this table (below) to estimate the number of jobs available in each of the four areas of our economy. (The chart comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics website.)

In the chart, each area's blue bar indicates a job that was open when this table was created in March 2010. To the right of that area's blue bar is a bar showing job vacancies. On the right, there are the total jobs that are open by region (blue bars), 바카라 total jobs that have been created since the U.S. last had a recession (red bars), and total jobs by sector (green bars). On the bottom is the U.S. unemployment rate.

The blue bars indicate the percentage of those jobs that were created since the U.S. last had a recession (the red bars) and those jobs that have been created since January 2015 (the green bars).

The green bars indicate the U.S. unemployment rate and the blue bars indicate the share of the overall job market that has been created by nonfarm businesses (the blue bars).

Since the U.S. recession officially ended in June 2009, each of these four categories of jobs has been affected by some sort of recession. But given their size, I think it's fair to say that there were, in aggregate, not many (if any) jobs that were lost as a direct result of the 2008/2009 recession and those jobs that have been created since January 2015 have generally been more stable.

With those in mind, here's how much worse the economy is looking. These are the unemployment numbers for each sector on the left, the total number of jobs on the right, and the total number of jobs in each of those industries.

There are two things that stand out for me. First, 바카라 the blue bars are in the lowest three columns, as the U.S. unemployment rate has fallen to a record low of 5.9 percent in May. But second, the unemployment rate in March was only slightly lower than the lowest five-year average for that time period. And in terms of overall unemployment, you'd be hard pressed to find a comparable number of jobs

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