






Soil, Loam and Flowerbed are farmland like blocks that accommodates the growth of Breedable Flowers. There are three properties of soil:

  • pH, which can be Acidic, Neutral or Alkaline
  • Moisture, which can be Dry, Normal or Damp
  • Nutrients, which determines if the block is Soil, Loam or a Flowerbed

To create soil, dirt can be right clicked using a Trowel in a similar manner to a hoe.


The pH of the soil is a measure of how acidic or alkaline it is. Different flowers have different tolerances for pH, and they will wilt and die if placed in an intolerable climate. Using certain items the pH of the soil can be altered. These can be applied by either right clicking with the item in your hand, or by using a Garden which maintains the pH of the soil. Acidic soils can be identified by being more saturated and redder than normal soil, whilst alkaline soils are bluer and less saturated.

The moisture of the soil is how much water is held in the soil. Like pH, flowers can only tolerate certain moisture levels, and hence the moisture level of the soil needs to be maintained. The natural soil type depends on the biome, and any soil in these biomes will slowly convert to the natural type. Soil moisture can be altered by placing either sand blocks (to decrease moisture) or water blocks (to increase moisture) adjacent to the soil. The more blocks that are in contact, the drier or wetter the soil will become. The dry and damp managed Garden will automatically place sand and water blocks. The final result however is determined by a combination of adjacent blocks and biome. Wet soils can be identified by being darker and with visible water, whilst dry soils are lighter and sandy in appearance.

The nutrient content of the soil determines whether the block is soil, loam or a flowerbed. Soil is the type that is made when using a trowel on dirt in any biome. This can then be either bonemealed to give loam or fertilised to give a flowerbed. Loam increases lifespan and pollination chance by 1.25x, whilst a flowerbed increases it by 1.5x. Loam is visibly greener than soil, whilst a flowerbed has small colourful flowers on it. Fertilised Gardens will convert any loam into flowerbeds, at the expense of greater fertiliser consumption.

Natural Soil Types

Y Level 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192



Extreme Hills


Ice Plains

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